Monday, September 15, 2008

Beginner Guitar Lessons Online

The best beginner guitar lessons online can be found in many places, but not all are created equal. Since there are many levels even to beginer guitar lessons, some may not be the best fit for you. This is why we recommend following a set program or course, rather than just finding lessons here and there. Here's why - When you are just beginning your path of learning guitar, you don't know what you don't know (does that make sense!?!). By finding lessons just here and there you'll probably miss a few critical points because you're not following the same teacher and following a specific course path. After awhile your guitar knowlede will start to resemble a peice of swiss cheese (holes in your knowledge) if you're not following a specifc course set fourth by your instructor. Here is an article that explains more about beginner guitar lessons online

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